Identity and security Security is a global issue. The security approach has not changed much since Roman times. The idea behind defense-in-depth is to create concentric security circles around the sensitive assets to be protected. Each circle being designed to slow and potentially weaken the enemy’s attack until it is repelled or at the very least detected. We all know the structures of castles, moats, drawbridges and dungeons. Today, the defenses of equivalent modern information systems are called physical security, firewalls, authentication and… Read More >>
Zero Trust, a modern and agile defense paradigm? For those who are responsible for the management of a company’s IT infrastructure, it is quite clear that the moat technique, i.e. the old idea of building a moat around a castle to keep intruders at bay, is no longer relevant. This is not only inefficient but also hardly feasible given the number and diversity of entry points into the IS of any company with a reasonable size today. Indeed, the risks and threats to the information assets of companies and… Read More >>