Identity and security Security is a global issue. The security approach has not changed much since Roman times. The idea behind defense-in-depth is to create concentric security circles around the sensitive assets to be protected. Each circle being designed to slow and potentially weaken the enemy’s attack until it is repelled or at the very least detected. We all know the structures of castles, moats, drawbridges and dungeons. Today, the defenses of equivalent modern information systems are called physical security, firewalls, authentication and… Read More >>
The Cleanroom concept for a safe and secure administration A bastion is a military structure projecting outward from the wall of a fortress. In computer science, we can extrapolate the term “bastion” to a host deliberately exposed to an external, not trusted, network. In general, the purpose of a “cyber bastion host” is to protect a network or part of a network from external threats; it is therefore the most exposed element, the one that is most likely to be attacked . If a bastion “falls down”, the whole… Read More >>
Once upon a time in Cyberland If the fool warns of a risk, run away. Teke proverb In [01], I mentioned that the risk can be internal to the organization you are managing/administrating/supervising. I had vaguely in mind (but without really quoting it) the Trojan Horse story, which is one of the greatest war tricks, you will agree. Now, let us look at the case of a user with high rights, acting clumsily and, of course, involuntarily. Before starting, it should be noted that any resemblance… Read More >>