The risks of Social Login You have seen it before, or even already used it to connect to a website, the social login seduces because of the simplification and time saving it provides to Internet users. This is a unique authentication form that allows users to connect to different sites or applications through identity providers, for example via their Facebook, Twitter, Google, Apple or LinkedIn accounts, to name just a few. Technically, behind the social login, there are identity federation technologies, which allow to use… Read More >>
6 reasons to deploy an SSO solution The Single-Sign-On (SSO) allows users to access their applications by logging in only once. They then have access to all their resources without having to enter their credentials for each application. Companies and organizations have many reasons to implement this type of solution; among them, we can mention the following six major advantages: Time saving: By logging in only once per session, users will save time, as well as the IT support which will be less likely to be contacted… Read More >>
TISAX®, an information security mechanism in the automotive industry Based on the standard ISO 27001 and adapted to the requirements of the automotive field, the TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) mechanism was developed by the VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie, the German automotive industry association) in partnership with an association of European automotive manufacturers, called the European Network Exchange (ENX). The TISAX® security audit mechanism allows the mutual acceptance of information security assessments (carried out by trusted and certified third parties) in the automotive industry and provides a common… Read More >>
Management of privileged accounts: 5 key recommendations to protect your Information System The administration of the information system (IS) of companies and organizations are based on privileged accounts. Privileged accounts rely on the trust placed in their users. Whether internal or external administrators, privileged users have the power to make substantial changes to the IS and therefore have a heavy responsibility concerning the IT security; they have the power to take actions that may harm the company or organization for which they operate. Users with privileged access are able to install and… Read More >>
Continuous authentication in Cyberia Security is a matter of compromise, a balance between confidentiality and convenience, control and efficiency. While it would be easy to restrict access to an Information System in order to protect sensitive business data, it would become impossible to make it a tool for productivity and growth, especially at a time when openness and collaboration are taken for granted. At the same time, the strict control and monitoring of “power” users has become of crucial importance given the recent cases… Read More >>
I AM GDPR The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) intends to strengthen and unify personal data protection for all individuals within the European Union. This regulation imposes totally new requirements on how organizations must process such data, which means that companies must step up their efforts in information security management and associated investments. It is important to specify that the regulation (which is already in force, only the application of sanctions is postponed until March 2018) is binding for all companies, European… Read More >>
Digital Confidence Management of privileged accounts: 5 key recommendations to protect your Information System