Support, community and knowledge base Systancia's expertise just one click away Whether you are a partner or a Systancia customer authorized to submit support tickets, benefit from all the expertise of Systancia’s teams by e-mail, telephone or via the web portal for the resolution of your operational issues.Via your MySystancia account, you can also benefit from the entire Systancia knowledge base and share your experiences and issues with the community. Benefit from Systancia's expertise and feedback from your peers By offering online access to the documentation, technical resources, knowledge base, discussion forums, the community area and updates and new versions of software products, Systancia allows you to be as independent as possible. You have direct access to the content and information you need in order to manage Systancia products easily on a daily basis.Exchange with other users of Systancia’s software products and cloud services or with Systancia employeesBenefit from and capitalize on Systancia’s best practices in the use of its software products and cloud servicesAccess to installation binaries or documentation for Systancia’s software products and cloud servicesBenefit from consultancy on the use, administration or operation of Systancia’s software products and cloud servicesFor any situation requiring the intervention of an expert, Systancia offers two levels of support services (Business and Enterprise) to adapt to your business needs: What are the advantages? Become part of the Systancia community (participation at the discussion forums and User Groups): Benefit from mutual assistance between peers Become autonomous in the resolution of incidents thanks to the knowledge base and the Systancia community: Reduce your need to contact the support for assistance Benefit from support services that adapt to your business needs and operational constraints: two levels of support and a response time adapted to the situation