Application virtualization allows organizations to make all their business applications available in SaaS mode.

For software publishers, application virtualization is a “SaaSification” way of business applications they provide to their customers. Via a remote display, their applications are accessible in SaaS mode. The client company pays a subscription that releases them from the technical constraints of use. With fixed monthly payments, the customer can also plan IT expenses more efficiently and publishers can have a better visibility of payments.
Internally, application virtualization allows companies to eliminate the use of heavy clients on workstations, by providing their users with web access to all their applications.
Finally, virtualization makes it possible to control the lifecycle of its applications, from their deployments to their decommissioning and updates.
Linearization and better visibility of income/costs
Improved user experience in terms of response time
Fast and easy deployment of applications
Our solution to answer your problem :

Immediate access to your virtual desktop and all your applications, on premise or cloud.

We were quickly convinced by the ability of the Systancia Workplace solution to meet our objective of homogenising the workstations deployed on our various sites. Systancia Workplace, has brought real stability to using our production applications on remote sites and has consistently optimized the access time on our fixed workstations equipped with Wi-Fi.
IT & Support Manager