Agence Nationale de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information. The National Cybersecurity Agency of France (ANSSI) is a French government organisation reporting to the Secretary General for Defence and National Security (SGDSN), who is responsible for advising the Prime Minister in the exercise of his functions in the field of defence and national security. ANSSI is responsible for cybersecurity issues in France. The ANSSI provides its expertise and technical skills to organisations (administrations or companies) with a reinforced mission to the… Read More >>
Certification de Sécurité de Premier Niveau. The First Level Security Certification (CSPN), awarded by the ANSSI (French National Agency for the Security of Information Systems) aims to certify the robustness of a technological product, based on a conformity analysis and intrusion tests carried out by a CESTI (Centre d’Evaluation de Sécurité des Technologies de l’Information), itself approved by the ANSSI. This certification is delivered for a specific product version. All subsequent versions of the product must therefore be re-certified. CSPN… Read More >>
Virtual Private Network. VPN is a technology that simulates a local area network between two trusted networks. In practice this allows two elements (workstations, servers, printers, etc.) to communicate with each other even though they are not physically located in the same computer network. Since communication between these two networks passes through a public network in most cases, VPNs incorporate security mechanisms to ensure that communication between the two networks cannot be intercepted by a third party to ensure confidentiality…. Read More >>
Digital nomadism
Uses of new technologies for work in a situation of mobility. Digital nomadism or digital nomadism appeared following the boom in digital tools in the early 2000s. It includes not only people who qualify as digital nomads but also people who are regularly in mobile situations and who carry out an activity requiring a simple internet connection. This use has developed thanks to the growth of teleworking solutions and freelance contracts. Among the most represented professions are consultants, developers, various… Read More >>
Privileged Access Management. PAM is a technology for managing access and authentication of authorized users, usually information system administrators, to administrative resources or applications. The main objective is to secure the information system by removing unauthorized access to sensitive resources. This protection is based on two main axes: management of the injection and life cycle of passwords used in administered resources and administration applications, the traceability of all the actions carried out when connecting users with a power of nuisance… Read More >>
Work from home solution
Digital tool that facilitates remote working. A telecommuting solution is a tool, often computer software, provided by the organization, so that employees can work remotely. A multitude of teleworking solutions exist, notably in the following areas: Collaborative work solutions Remote access solutions to network/enterprise applications Video conferencing solutions Many of these solutions are not limited to teleworking alone, but are also used within the organization itself, as they facilitate communication between different departments within a company. These solutions can be… Read More >>