Security is a matter of compromise, a balance between confidentiality and convenience, control and efficiency. While it would be easy to restrict access to an Information System in order to protect sensitive business data, it would become impossible to make it a tool for productivity and growth, especially at a time when openness and collaboration are taken for granted. At the same time, the strict control and monitoring of “power” users has become of crucial importance given the recent cases… Read More >>
Artificial Intelligence
In the age of artificial intelligence, nothing new… really?
The year 2017 was marked by numerous issues in the cyber domain. We can mention the successive ransomware waves but also the imminent arrival of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) which is the subject of many conferences, posts, forum topics, etc. Another great subject was the “second birth” of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Concerning the artificial intelligence (AI), we are still far from Skynet from Terminator, I can assure you. However, it has to be said that a… Read More >>
Of Machine Learning and Application Virtualization
Machine Learning is nowadays one of the most common expressions in literature, but the fields of application are so vast that it can sometimes be difficult to grasp all the issues involved. In practice, the Machine Learning can be applied to almost all sectors of activity, whether it is the autonomous driving of vehicles in public spaces or learning from the behavior of users of a company information system. While the most compelling results for the general public are found… Read More >>