Information system security (ISS) is mainly based on the security of its weakest link, which is also the essential element: the human being.

Tracing administration actions
It is now essential to control a privileged environment and trace the performed actions in order to stop as quickly as possible any unintentional harmful activity or malicious action. The purpose is also to understand what happened in the event of intrusion.
Traceability also has a real interest in the context of outsourcing services. For the company outsourcing, it is important to monitor the actions performed by the administrator in order to be alerted of any inappropriate or malicious action and react in real time. For the outsourcer, this allows him to clear his name if he is wrongly accused of a malicious or inappropriate action on the information system.
Handle the situation of outsourcers using the same workstation for several customers
Identify the source of a change on the IS
Guarantee that an intervention has not disrupted the IS
Our solution to answer your problem :

The sterile and disposable virtual desktop for the administration of all your resources, on premise or cloud.

Systancia’s solution offers all the classic features of bastion hosts, which are always more or less the same. The difference, however, is precisely the Cleanroom element - the only solution that solves the usurpation of administration rights issue.
Head of Cross-functional Projects, Architecture and IT Security
Manage and strengthen the means of access
Faced with the proliferation of all types of resources and users on the information system, the IT department must equip itself with solutions enabling it to monitor and manage employees’ access to the various resources. It is essential to meet this traceability challenge and also to strengthen IS access methods. The implementation of multi-factor authenticationPrimary or secondary authentication Authentication allows a user to guarantee his or her identity before accessing a resource or service. Primary authentication will give user access to the workstation (Windows… More (MFA), dynamic passwords (OTP) or configurable alerts when detecting suspicious events are all features that enable the IT Department to strengthen the IS security against unauthorized login attempts.
Enhance security
Simplify access management for the user
Allow traceability of access
Our solution to answer your problem :

Transparent authenticationPrimary or secondary authentication Authentication allows a user to guarantee his or her identity before accessing a resource or service. Primary authentication will give user access to the workstation (Windows… More, in all its forms, to all your applications, on premise or cloud.